Intensive Behavioral Health


For some children and youth, the adversity they’ve experienced in their young lives has already had tremendous impact on their ability to function successfully in social and school settings. They are often severely withdrawn, anxious, aggressive, or disconnected. Often these behaviors result from adverse childhood experiences such as abuse, the loss of a loved one, or the stress of living in poverty or in neighborhoods or homes impacted by violence. Teens with a history of exposure to trauma often find themselves involved with the juvenile justice system. These children and youth require specialized support to aid in their recovery as they develop the tools to self-regulate and be successful in school and society.


East Bay Agency for Children offers the following programs for impacted children and youth.


Intensive Counseling Enriched
Intensive Counseling Enriched classrooms are dual educational and therapeutic classrooms that enable children to learn techniques for self-regulating their emotions and behavior while receiving academic instruction. An EBAC behavioral health therapist works with each child to achieve goals based upon his or her individualized treatment plan. Behavioral coaches shadow the children all day long in the classroom providing real-time intervention and affirmation to support positive behavioral changes and self-regulation.


Annually, over 50 children receive these intensive behavioral health services from EBAC in 5 classrooms in the Alameda Unified School District.


EPIC is an intensive 25-week program for Medi-Cal eligible children ages 3.5 to 6 who have difficulty self-regulating their emotions and behaviors. More Info.

Youth Empowerment Services
Youth Empowerment Service (YES) provides individual and family therapeutic counseling and intensive case management for youth in Oakland who seek to graduate, find employment, and achieve their life goals but who are challenged by the emotional and physical health effects of trauma caused by exposure to family and community violence, sexual abuse, neglect, poverty, racial and cultural marginalization, and institutional racism. Together with these youth, EBAC works to keep them in school, link them to employment, support the development of caring relationships with positive adults and peers, and reduce delinquency involvement. Details Here.


(This position is partially funded by Alameda County Probation Department, Delinquency Prevention Network)


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